Smith Pets
Benjamin & Stephanie Smith
Elizabethtown, KY 42701
Need immediate service please call
Please keep in mind we are CLOSED ON SUNDAY but feel free to send us an email.
We have a lot going on at this time and we likely do not answer when you call and voice mails rarely get heard. If you would like to speak to us on the phone rather than email or Facebook please email us requesting a callback. Be advised it may take a day or two for us to get back to you. Usually, it is late in the evening by the time we get settled and because of this email is best. We do understand the need for verbal communication just please be patient with us on that end.
Our number is 270-766-8574 please keep in mind we do have seven young children be considerate with your call times. We will NOT accept calls after 8 p.m. eastern time.
If you need our address for any reason please let me know and I will be happy to provide it for you.
If I do NOT respond to your e-mail within 24 hours something is causing me to not be able to get back to you. So either call, email us again, or be sure to leave your telephone number in your email. If you have a question fill out this form it will be sent directly to my e-mail. Be sure and type your email address correctly or I won't be able to get back in touch with you. If you haven't heard from me within 24 hours I am unable to get in touch with you. For best service be sure to include a telephone number in your message.