Sweet Pea
In Loving Memory
May 15, 1999 - July 2, 2009

Sweet Pea was a puppy out of one of my mothers litters. When she was born she was so different that I had to have her. When people would come by the house to look at the litter I would sneak out the window and get her out so she couldn't go any where. She was the sweetest pup I had ever seen. She was my baby and was always by my side. If anyone messed with me and she was around they were getting bit. She loved to sit under the trampoline while the kids jumped and try to get their feet. After I moved out she moved to my mamaws and became my mamaws dog. After my mamaws died in July of 2008, she grieved for mamaw so badly that she came to live with us and thrived. She started going down the Saturday before her passing and I couldn't let her suffer. She is WELL loved and will be GREATLY missed!
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